path: root/src/Cron.hs
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authorevuez <julien@mulga.net>2024-04-01 15:16:52 +0200
committerevuez <julien@mulga.net>2024-04-03 22:45:16 +0200
commitff174d9536db26945189593bf8194f18fbd5ce3f (patch)
tree327cf783e3c24a0b4b035f548b0ea7206ea9b0f9 /src/Cron.hs
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Cron.hs')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Cron.hs b/src/Cron.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cadac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cron.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+module Cron (parse, toProse) where
+import Common (asOrdinal, leftPad, listToProse, showDayOfWeek, showMonth, (?:))
+import qualified Cron.Expr as E
+import qualified Cron.Schedule as S
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
+import Intro
+parse :: String -> Either String S.Schedule
+parse s = case words s of
+ [mn, h, dom, m, dow] -> S.fromParts mn h dom m dow
+ xs ->
+ Left
+ $ "Invalid cron "
+ ++ s
+ ++ ": not enough qualifiers, expecting 5 but only got "
+ ++ (show . length) xs
+toProse :: S.Schedule -> String
+toProse s =
+ mconcat
+ [ proseTime s.minute s.hour
+ , ", "
+ , proseDate s.dayOfMonth s.month s.dayOfWeek
+ ]
+proseDate :: E.Expr -> E.Expr -> E.Expr -> String
+proseDate dom mt dow = case (dom, mt, dow) of
+ (E.Every, E.Every, E.Every) -> "daily"
+ (E.Every, _, E.Every) -> "daily " ++ proseMonth mt
+ (E.Every, E.Every, E.Multi ns) -> "every " ++ listToProse (dayOfWeek <$> ns)
+ (E.Every, E.Every, E.Range _ _) -> proseDayOfWeek dow
+ (E.Every, _, E.Multi ns) -> "every " ++ listToProse (dayOfWeek <$> ns) ++ " " ++ proseMonth mt
+ (_, _, _) -> mconcat [proseDayOfMonth dom, " ", proseMonth mt, " ", proseDayOfWeek dow]
+ where
+ dayOfWeek m = showDayOfWeek m ?: "?"
+proseDayOfWeek :: E.Expr -> String
+proseDayOfWeek = \case
+ E.Every -> ""
+ E.Multi ns -> "on " ++ listToProse (dayOfWeek <$> ns)
+ E.Range n m -> mconcat ["from ", dayOfWeek n, " to ", dayOfWeek m]
+ E.Step E.StepLEvery 1 -> ""
+ E.Step E.StepLEvery n -> mconcat ["every ", show n, " days of the week"]
+ E.Step (E.StepLRange n m) j ->
+ mconcat
+ [ "every "
+ , show j
+ , " days of the week from "
+ , dayOfWeek n
+ , " to "
+ , dayOfWeek m
+ ]
+ where
+ dayOfWeek m = showDayOfWeek m ?: "?"
+proseMonth :: E.Expr -> String
+proseMonth = \case
+ E.Every -> "of every month"
+ E.Multi ns -> "of " ++ listToProse (month <$> ns)
+ E.Range n m -> mconcat ["from ", month n, " to ", month m]
+ E.Step E.StepLEvery 1 -> "of every month"
+ E.Step E.StepLEvery n -> mconcat ["of every ", show n, " months"]
+ E.Step (E.StepLRange n m) j ->
+ mconcat
+ [ "of every "
+ , show j
+ , " months from "
+ , month n
+ , " to "
+ , month m
+ ]
+ where
+ month m = showMonth m ?: "?"
+proseDayOfMonth :: E.Expr -> String
+proseDayOfMonth = \case
+ E.Every -> "daily"
+ E.Multi ns -> "on the " ++ listToProse (asOrdinal <$> ns)
+ E.Range n m -> mconcat ["daily from the ", asOrdinal n, " to the ", asOrdinal m]
+ E.Step E.StepLEvery 1 -> "daily"
+ E.Step E.StepLEvery n -> mconcat ["every ", show n, " days"]
+ E.Step (E.StepLRange n m) j ->
+ mconcat
+ [ "every "
+ , show j
+ , " days from the "
+ , asOrdinal n
+ , " to the "
+ , asOrdinal m
+ ]
+proseTime :: E.Expr -> E.Expr -> String
+proseTime mn h = case (mn, h) of
+ (E.Multi (0 :| []), E.Every) -> "At the top of every hour"
+ (E.Multi (0 :| []), E.Step E.StepLEvery 1) -> "At the top of every hour"
+ (E.Multi (n :| []), E.Multi (m :| [])) -> mconcat ["At ", leftPad 2 '0' $ show m, ":", leftPad 2 '0' $ show n]
+ (E.Multi (0 :| []), E.Multi ns) -> mconcat ["At the top of the ", listToProse (asOrdinal <$> ns), " hours"]
+ (_, E.Every) -> mconcat [proseMinute mn, " of every hour"]
+ (_, E.Step E.StepLEvery 1) -> mconcat [proseMinute mn, " of every hour"]
+ (_, _) -> mconcat [proseMinute mn, " ", proseHour h]
+proseHour :: E.Expr -> String
+proseHour = \case
+ E.Every -> "every hour"
+ E.Multi (n :| []) -> mconcat ["at hour ", leftPad 2 '0' $ show n]
+ E.Multi ns -> "at hours " ++ listToProse (show <$> ns)
+ E.Range n m -> mconcat ["every hour from ", leftPad 2 '0' $ show n, " to ", leftPad 2 '0' $ show m]
+ E.Step E.StepLEvery 1 -> "every hour"
+ E.Step E.StepLEvery n -> mconcat ["every ", show n, " hours"]
+ E.Step (E.StepLRange n m) j ->
+ mconcat
+ [ "every "
+ , show j
+ , " hours from "
+ , show n
+ , " to "
+ , show m
+ ]
+proseMinute :: E.Expr -> String
+proseMinute = \case
+ E.Every -> "Every minute"
+ E.Multi (n :| []) -> mconcat ["At minute ", leftPad 2 '0' $ show n]
+ E.Multi ns -> "At minutes " ++ listToProse (show <$> ns)
+ E.Range n m -> mconcat ["Every minute from ", leftPad 2 '0' $ show n, " to ", leftPad 2 '0' $ show m]
+ E.Step E.StepLEvery 1 -> "Every minute"
+ E.Step E.StepLEvery n -> mconcat ["every ", show n, " minutes"]
+ E.Step (E.StepLRange n m) j ->
+ mconcat
+ [ "every "
+ , show j
+ , " minutes from the "
+ , asOrdinal n
+ , " minute to the "
+ , asOrdinal m
+ , " minute"
+ ]