path: root/src/Smtp.hs
diff options
authorevuez <julien@mulga.net>2024-04-01 15:17:30 +0200
committerevuez <julien@mulga.net>2024-04-03 22:45:36 +0200
commit985974c264804ff788b3b5242fef707d4b7fa9a6 (patch)
treed80f83db178c3fd1b83b3b749793d47236dde35d /src/Smtp.hs
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Smtp.hs')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Smtp.hs b/src/Smtp.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..331f6d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Smtp.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+module Smtp (runServer) where
+import Common (splitOn, trim)
+import Control.Monad (unless, when)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (execStateT, modify)
+import Intro
+import qualified Mail as M
+import Network.Socket (HostName, ServiceName, Socket, socketToHandle)
+import qualified Queue as Q
+import System.IO (Handle, IOMode (ReadWriteMode), hClose, hGetLine, hPutStrLn)
+import qualified Tcp
+runServer :: Maybe HostName -> ServiceName -> Q.QueueM M.Mail -> IO ()
+runServer host port queue = Tcp.runServer host port (sockHandler queue)
+sockHandler :: Q.QueueM M.Mail -> Socket -> IO ()
+sockHandler queue s = do
+ handle <- socketToHandle s ReadWriteMode
+ hPutStrLn handle "220 service ready"
+ go handle
+ where
+ go :: Handle -> IO ()
+ go handle = do
+ mail <- execStateT (commandHandler handle) M.newMail
+ Q.push queue mail
+ go handle
+commandHandler :: Handle -> M.MailM ()
+commandHandler h = do
+ line <- liftIO $ hGetLine h
+ let command = words line
+ case command of
+ ["EHLO", client] -> do
+ modify (\s -> s{M.client = client})
+ replyOk h
+ commandHandler h
+ ["HELO", client] -> do
+ modify (\s -> s{M.client = client})
+ replyOk h
+ commandHandler h
+ ["AUTH", _, _] -> do
+ reply h 235 "authentication succeeded"
+ commandHandler h
+ ["MAIL", from] -> do
+ modify (\s -> s{M.from = readFrom from})
+ replyOk h
+ commandHandler h
+ ["RCPT", to] -> do
+ modify (\s -> s{M.to = readTo to : M.to s})
+ replyOk h
+ commandHandler h
+ ["DATA"] -> do
+ reply h 354 "start mail input"
+ dataHandler h
+ ["RSET"] -> do
+ modify (const M.newMail)
+ replyOk h
+ ["QUIT"] -> do
+ replyByeAndClose h
+ ["NOOP"] -> replyOk h
+ _ -> do
+ reply h 500 "unknown command"
+ liftIO $ putStrLn ("Unknown command: " ++ line)
+ pure ()
+dataHandler :: Handle -> M.MailM ()
+dataHandler handle = do
+ readData []
+ replyOk handle
+ replyByeAndClose handle
+ where
+ readData :: [String] -> M.MailM ()
+ readData xs = do
+ line <- liftIO $ hGetLine handle
+ let cont = trim line /= "."
+ when cont $ readData (line : xs)
+ unless cont $ modify (M.setData $ reverse xs)
+reply :: Handle -> Int -> String -> M.MailM ()
+reply handle status message =
+ liftIO
+ $ hPutStrLn handle
+ $ mconcat [show status, " ", message]
+replyOk :: Handle -> M.MailM ()
+replyOk handle = reply handle 250 "ok"
+replyByeAndClose :: Handle -> M.MailM ()
+replyByeAndClose handle = do
+ reply handle 221 "closing channel"
+ liftIO $ hClose handle
+readFrom :: String -> String
+readFrom s = filter (\c -> c /= '<' && c /= '>') $ case splitOn (== ':') s of
+ ["FROM", addr] -> addr
+ _ -> s
+readTo :: String -> String
+readTo s = filter (\c -> c /= '<' && c /= '>') $ case splitOn (== ':') s of
+ ["TO", addr] -> addr
+ _ -> s